Anhui TianNa pump valve machinery co., LTD.
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  • Tel:86-550-7989788
  • Mobile:13359007588
  • Address:Yongfeng town industrial park, tianchang city, Chuzhou city, Anhui province
There are different cavitation standards for the size and ef

Cavitation is the phenomenon of the production and sudden rupture of hollow forms such as steam bubbles in the liquid flow. There are different cavitation standards for the size and effect of cavitation in centrifugal pumps, and there is a difference between vapour cavitation and air cavitation.

Criteria for judging cavitation

· the cavitation bubbles begin to appear from the edge of the inlet of the blade (cavitation.NPSH) until the maximum bubble length is defined, such as the bubble length 5mm. In the bubble observation experiment, the pressure of the entrance is gradually reduced until the first visible cavitation bubble appears. Alcohol pump

· water pump cavitation phenomenon may be caused by the cavitation head (H) decreased, reached the maximum decrease of numerical definition of delta H=0.03H or delta H=O.OOH often appear in some high-speed operation of the screw pump (refer to the initial stage of the cavitation head drop). The corresponding NPSH value is NPSH. And NPSH. To say.

· the efficiency of the pump cavitation phenomenon may be caused by cavitation (η) decreased, reached the maximum value to drop defined (such as delta η =0. 03η).

· water pump cavitation phenomenon may be caused by the cavitation head (H) decreased, resulting in head failure (gap).

· the material corrosion of the pump cavitation caused by cavitation can reach the maximum definition of the fixed time period.

· the cavitation of the pump may be raised by the level of noise caused by cavitation to reach the maximum level of noise defined.

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