What is a sanitary pump?
The sanitary pump is the classification of the pump with the transport medium of the pump as the reference material. The pump and liquid contact parts (overcurrent part) are smooth or smooth like the mirror after mechanical polishing or electrolysis. The roughness is RA < 0.28um (less than 0.28 microns). The finishing process of the outer cover is completely consistent with the GMP requirements.
Simply say that as long as the food, pharmaceutical, fine chemical industry transportation and "people" contact medium (such as transportation: sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, low viscosity stuffing, filling, strawberry sauce, salad sauce, paste, vinegar, edible oil, wine, liquor, Yellow Wine, grape fruit juice, beverage, sauce, juice, sauce, jelly, syrup, sauce, tomato sauce, cheese, fruit and soft liquid emulsion, skin care products, medicinal lotion cosmetics, food additives, fine chemicals, etc.) can be called a sanitary pump.
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